When we started the project, we always knew that we were slightly restricted by the fact that we only had one more year on our school site. Therefore, we couldn't justify spending very much money. The 'wild area' had not been used for a while, (apart from mini-beast hunts!), and so seemed an obvious choice to change in some way, cost permitting! After establishing that the site could be cleared using our £200 budget, we knew that the rest of the project would have to be done with minimal cost. We had to be creative!

Everyone was involved at the early stages. We knew that we wanted to link art and writing throughout the week, and our overall goal was to create a 'writing area' in the playground. Everyone spent time thinking of ideas and resources, and these were then shared, and a rough timetable for the week drawn up. The teachers then started to fit all their ideas within this, so there was a balance of art and writing activities.
The week itself seemed to fly by, although we were all pretty exhausted by the end of it. We all feel really pleased by the way it has turned out, and as well as a great writing area, there is also lots of art work and writing around the school. We are planning a whole school walk next week, visiting each classroom 'gallery'.

I know the children can't wait to spend time in the writing area, and hopefully, weather permitting, they'll be able to do so from Monday. We'll be continuing this blog, as I know that this is not the end, only the beginning!

Miss Proctor
We had a fantastic week.We are going to enjoy the new writing area.
Blue class
I had a great time at everybody writes and art week. My favourite part of the week was making the poem flowers. Thank you Miss Proctor for a fantastic week.
India Say
Blue Class
we don paiting this week.
I think we are very lucky to have
a writing area.
i enjoyed art and writing week it was so so fun.
thank you for having a new wild area.
shannon thorn in yellow class.
thank you teachers and ellie mae' mia and reece for are new benchers
love shannon
yr 3
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