Sunny days have meant that everybody is crowding into the Everbody writes area. There is, of course, lots of talking as well as writing, but it's really great to see the older children spending time with some of the younger ones.

When children see me with the camera now they ask me, " Are you going to put my photo on the blog?" Everbody wants their moment of fame!

I talked to Rachel from
B&Q today, and she says that they've placed an order for some benches, which will arrive in September. So, that will be a great start to the new school year, and hopefully we'll have a late summer, and will be able to use the Everbody writes area throughout the Autumn term. It looks like we might be have longer than a year at our current site, so we will really be able to develop the writing area, in lots of different ways, next academic year! We have added some 'mirrors' to the area, as suggested by one of our parents, and we would welcome any other good ideas!

Miss Proctor
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