Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hola! Purple and Red Class go Mexican!

On Thursday afternoon, Purple and Red Class boarded their Google Earth Jet plane and flew to Mexico. Once we had all safely landed and the seat belt lights had gone off, we headed to a series of Mexican activities including...

- making our own tasty sangria (non-alcoholic variety)
- singing, counting and talking in Spanish
- dancing the Mexican Hat dance with castanets and maracas
- collaging a Mexican chilli character wearing a sombrero
- using oil pastels to colour Mexican animals, such as armadillos

We finished the afternoon with a few tortilla chips and a song is Spanish.

Adios Amigos!

1 comment:

VCOP Teacher said...

Wow that sounds absolutely terrific. I have a dancing chilli pepper in my classroom and reading all of that he says he feels homesick. But he's glad you had lots of fun.
Miss G
Shirley Warren Primary