The youngest children in the school seemed to enjoy their first everybody writes day.

Their activities were much more about colour and shape, rather than writing, but they did help the teacher to write a rainbow poem... and they are definitely keen to become writers.

In Year 3 the activities all related to their rainforest topic, and they created poems about chameleons and explored how colours make you feel. They also created an optical illusion, using coloured dots, and hiding words in it.

The Year 6 pupils wrote 'colourful' poems about London, and their teacher was very pleased with their language choices...
A Picture of London by Kayleigh StevensI will paint a burgandy bus sitting in endless traffic,
Under a cobalt sky.
White capsules forming a circle.I will paint the bronze Big Ben standing tall and proud.
Multi-coloured lights of Picadilly Circus shining through the night.Every drop of azure rain falling on the silver Gherkin.

A display of work from all classes was put in the school hall to celebrate the day.

It looks like we will all be writing about our 'memories of Redbridge school' very soon. Details of this next event to follow shortly.
Miss Proctor
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