Saturday, November 28, 2009

Year 1 having fun on Victorian day!

Red class certainly seemed to be having lots of fun on our special day.

They all had their photos taken outside the old school door.

They enjoyed being in the Victorian school room, although their teacher seemed a little scary.

Not everybody's hands were clean!

But their favourite activity was definitely 'drill' in the playground.

Miss Proctor

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Going back in time on Victorian day!

Wow! What amazing outfits were worn today by all the children... and some of the adults!

A big thank you to all the creative parents who produced some great outfits, and to everyone who has provided a 'memory'. We are still interested in hearing from anyone who has a memory of Redbridge Primary, as we are collecting these together in a book.

We all really enjoyed being Victorians for the day, and especially enjoyed the Victorian school experience!

We know that there would only have been about 30 children in the school 150 years ago, whereas it felt very full today with over 200 children and lots of adults.

The Echo came and took lots of pictures, so we're hoping that there will be a nice article in the paper recording one of the last events in our old site.

Now we're looking ahead to the Christmas concerts... and to lots and lots of packing!

Miss Proctor

Monday, November 23, 2009

Memories of Redbridge week

We started the 'memories of Redbridge' week today. In assembly the children had to guess how many years different teachers had worked at the school... their guesses were not always flattering!

We had two special visitors, ex members of staff, that the children later interviewed. And the children enjoyed looking at the old photos of classes and teachers, finding older brothers and sisters, and in some cases parents.

The oldest photograph we have was a class in 1927, in which our old caretaker Tony's Uncle belonged. Many of the children seemed very shocked by the clothes the teachers used to wear, and some very interesting hair styles!

We're all looking forward to our Victorian school day on Thursday, and dressing up as Victorian school children and teachers.

Miss Proctor

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Big visitors!

The children couldn't believe their eyes this morning, as there were some BIG visitors in the school hall!

The Marine Conservation Society brought a large selection of sea creatures to school, and all classes found out about some of the amazing animals living in the sea.

Their favourite part was touching the creatures, and putting their head inside the basking shark's head seemed particularly popular! Don't worry, it only eats tiny fish!

Afterwards, the children had a go at drawing some of the creatures, and writing 'sea' sentences.

Our school hall seemed small when it was filled with whales, dolphins and sharks! Did you enjoy meeting these special visitors?

Miss Proctor

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Memories of Redbridge Primary School

Have you got any special memories of being at Redbridge? Very soon we will be moving to a new site, and so we are collecting 'memories of Redbridge' from pupils, ex-pupils, parents and staff. If you can contribute in any way, please add a comment to the blog, send a letter to school, or e-mail your memories to .

We look forward to hearing from you. A selection of memories and photos will be added to the blog shortly.

Miss Proctor

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rainbow writing continued!

The youngest children in the school seemed to enjoy their first everybody writes day.

Their activities were much more about colour and shape, rather than writing, but they did help the teacher to write a rainbow poem... and they are definitely keen to become writers.

In Year 3 the activities all related to their rainforest topic, and they created poems about chameleons and explored how colours make you feel. They also created an optical illusion, using coloured dots, and hiding words in it.

The Year 6 pupils wrote 'colourful' poems about London, and their teacher was very pleased with their language choices...

A Picture of London by Kayleigh Stevens
I will paint a burgandy bus sitting in endless traffic,
Under a cobalt sky.
White capsules forming a circle.
I will paint the bronze Big Ben standing tall and proud.
Multi-coloured lights of Picadilly Circus shining through the night.

Every drop of azure rain falling on the silver Gherkin.

A display of work from all classes was put in the school hall to celebrate the day.

It looks like we will all be writing about our 'memories of Redbridge school' very soon. Details of this next event to follow shortly.

Miss Proctor