WOW! What a colourful day!
"Rainbow Writing Day is wicked. I like all the fun lessons we do. I think we should do it more often !" Year 6 Boy.

Rainbow Writing Day was a mix of poetry and colour. All classes from Yr R to Yr 6 took part, and the day was filled with lots of colourful writing activities, using play dough, paint, pipecleaners, coloured matchsticks, chalks, rainbow pencils, felt tips and lots of coloured paper.

The children were allowed to wear colourful clothing to school, as dressing up always helps to make the day feel special, and to create an air of excitement before we get started. one Y6 child said, "I think it was great that we dressed up in rainbow colours!"
We started the day with an assembly, in which a child from each class took part in a rainbow writing race.
At playtime the children wrote on the playground (and walls!), and in the writing area.
At lunchtime, the children chose their favourite colours and explained to the Yr 6 children running the activity why they liked that colour the best.

In Yr 2 we started the day with a simple handwriting activity, but used 'rainbow' pencils... and one child commented... "This is the best day ever!".
Then, we did a "What is red" type of activity, when the children worked as groups to write a poem, making the beginning and end of the poem out of playdough.
Then we made a word rainbow, writing the names of objects that are specific colours on sticky labels and adding them to border stripes. In the afternoon, we thought of new ways to describe colours e.g. dinosaur green, frog green etc. and then made ideas using play dough, pipecleaners, coloured matchsticks & foiled paper. Finally we visited Yr 1 to find out what they had been doing and then they visited us.

Then we made a word rainbow, writing the names of objects that are specific colours on sticky labels and adding them to border stripes. In the afternoon, we thought of new ways to describe colours e.g. dinosaur green, frog green etc. and then made ideas using play dough, pipecleaners, coloured matchsticks & foiled paper. Finally we visited Yr 1 to find out what they had been doing and then they visited us.

Throughout the school a whole range of activities took place from investigating more unusual colour words in Yr 6, and then making a colourful "Picture of London"poem, which linked to their work on "The London Eye Mystery, to making colour similies and acrostic poems in Yr 1 , chameleon shape poetry in Yr 3, and matching colours to emotions.
Although in some of the younger classes, the day was very much about the "fun" which writing can be, in the older classes, the children were aware of more than the "fun" element. "I like the way that the Rainbow Writing Day has combined fun and learning", said one Y6 girl, and another child said "I think that Rainbow Writing Day has helped us to use more interesting words and more grown up language in our work".

Everyone seemed exhausted but happy at the end of the day and as one child said "I think that the whole day has been great because all of the writing we've done is amazing".
Did you enjoy the day? Please leave a comment...
Miss Proctor
rainbow writing day was so much fun! rainbow playdough, paints and pens, coloured water, beads + more. the children all looked fab in their rainbow clothes. aswell as fun some great writing came out of the day, the children in yr r even had a go!
I Loooooooooooooooooved rainbow writing day. with a capital L!!!
We had to partner up with year five and find lots of diffent colours for purple, red,etc. I was with Casey and we were doing purple. We found Lavender, fuchsia, lavender floral, mauve, thistle, violet and loads more. I just enjoyed seeing the school so colourful. it makes me feel happy!!!
Love Courtney (yr 6)
P.S. I'm lovin' year 6!!!
last friday i looooooooooooooooved it.it was rainbow writing day.
i loved the colours everybody was wearing.
yellow class did about chamelaeons we wrote a poem in the shape of one.
yellow class had some words and paint, i had to paint the word secret and make it secretive.
at the beginning of the day we had to write anything we liked with different coloured paper and pens.
secondly we had assembly and miss proctor took lots of pictures. thirdly we had playtime, ther was lots of coloured stuff in the writing box.
from eleigh, yr 3 x
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