We all had a very 'magical' writing day on Friday 24th October. We decided to link our everybody writes day with something that all of the children enjoy... magic! To make it that extra bit special the children were asked to wear a 'magical' costume to school.

The day started with a special assembly, with some'real' magic, and then lots of different writing activities took place in all the classrooms from Year R to Year 6. In Year 2 the children were very keen to write their own magic spells!

Strange spells were written in some classrooms, monsters created in others, and everything from poetry, wands with magical powers and magic fingers, took place around the school.

At lunchtime, the children found some 'magical' resources in the everybody writes area, and it was great to see so many children choosing to write at lunchtime, as well as through the whole day. As one teacher said, "Some children didn't notice that they'd been doing writing activities all day!"

At the end of the day, some classes shared what they had done, and they were all desperate to read what they'd created.

One Year 6 boy told me that he..."Thought it was going to be a bit boring, because it was just writing, but it's been really exciting!" They certainly enjoyed writing their magical spell poems, and were proud to show them off.

We will be displaying a selection of the writing from all the classes, in our school hall, so that everyone can enjoy it. As one child said... "I want to do more. It doesn't feel like we've been writing all day!"

Miss Proctor
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