The 'everybody writes' area was full of customers today, because there's nothing nicer than sitting in the sunshine and writing with friends.

All the teachers had given the area a 'makeover' after school on Monday, putting up lots of new children's work, and getting rid of anything faded and tatty. We hope to improve it further over the next term. If you have any good ideas, please let me know.

Lots of old diaries, notebooks, cards and notepaper had been added to the Yellow box, and the children were almost fighting over them. Some children just like to visit the area for a quiet lie down, after a busy morning!

The Year 2 children enjoyed their sentence work in the sunshine, writing their own sentences, starting with, 'When the sun shines I....'

As you can see, everyone thought of lots of interesting ways to finish them. Let's hope there's lots more opportunities to work outside this term!

Miss Proctor