All the children at Redbridge became authors today! In the assembly they were challenged to used their imaginations, and write a 100-word story, starting with the word 'curiously...' After hearing my short story, which was very kindly acted out by our caretaker, Della, they returned to their classes and listened to, and read, more 100-word stories written by children. The short film 'Dangle' (teachers TV) was also used to provide some inspiration.

The children then wrote their own stories, with the older children trying to include a twist at the end of it. They seemed to find writing a story that was exactly 100 words long, much easier than I did!

There was then lots of sharing of the stories, with some of Year 6 visiting Year 2 and reading their stories, and then listening to the younger children's stories in return.

The children in Year 5 spent time writing their stories out catrefully, just like the children who had written stories in the 'Curiously' book. We hope to make a book of some of the most interesting ones from every year group. We were surprised by the variety of ideas, and how enthusiastic the children were to participate in the activity.

The assembly at the end of the day was a chance to celebrate being authors. We hope to put a few of the short stories onto the blog for everyone to read.

Miss Proctor