Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Still writing!

The 'Everybody writes' area is still being used by lots of children. Two girls were so engrossed in what they were writing that they didn't even notice me ... I was about to remind them to sit on the bench, not the table... but it seemed a shame to disturb them!!

We are still using the area for sentence work, when the weather allows us to! I like the way the children concentrate on their writing, oblivious to everyone around them.And some of us just enjoy watching others write!

Everyone is getting very excited about our 'magical' writing day on Friday. Lots of teachers have been experimenting with lemon juice and invisible writing, and all the children are thinking about the magical costume they are going to wear. They are very interested to know what kind of 'magical' writing they will be doing. I think that Thursday evening will be a very busy one in school, as everyone gathers all the 'special' resources needed for the day!

Miss Proctor

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Autumn sunshine!

We are all making the most of the Autumn sunshine at the moment. Today, Year two were really feeling Autumnal during sentence time, writing sentences beginning 'In the Autumn...' whilst the tree gently shed its leaves over them.

Many of the sentences seemed to be about the key event of Autumn for them... Halloween. Which gives me an idea for our fast approaching Everybody writes day....

After attending a great writing course with Pie Corbett last week, the children have really enjoyed using all those pens and pads provided by the Holiday Inn. So not only some great ideas, but free resources too! Every time I put something different in the box, there is a surge of children into the area. (There's always a few trying to make paper aeroplanes though!)

Miss Proctor

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Everybody's writing!

Lots of children were enjoying the Autumn sunshine today. It's amazing the interest in the area every time I put something different into the writing box. Today it was postcards, but the heart shaped post-it notes have been the most popular. Perhaps that's why the area was being used for a slightly more romantic purpose the other day!! (By the children, not the staff!)

The chalk board still remains popular with children young and old, and so far, all of the plants have survived! The new benches from B&Q have also been very popular. I even saw one boy having a relaxing lie-down on one of them... perhaps worn out from too much writing!

Miss Proctor