Monday, September 29, 2008
Planting and building!
We've nearly finished working on our Everybody writes area. On Friday, three lovely benches were delivered from B&Q, and Rachel has said that they will be sending us some more in the next few weeks! The writing area is becoming the most well-resourced part of the playground.
Today, Year 2 helped Tony (our ex-caretaker and ex-LSA) to plant all the fragrant plants that B&Q have given us. I know that Tony likes gardening, but I think he prefers it in the peace and quiet of his own home! We all enjoyed getting our hands dirty! And all of the plants survived!

Then we 'helped' Tony assemble the benches! There is going to be some jostling to sit on the 'special' benches tomorrow.
Miss Proctor
Monday, September 22, 2008
Outside lessons!
Everyone in Year 2 enjoyed their sentence work today, because it was outside in the sunshine!

After writing sentences starting with, 'At the weekend...' they then shared their work with each other. Some of them had had a very busy weekend!
They definitely wanted to write more than usual, because writing outside "feels different!"
Miss Proctor
Miss Proctor
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Writing in the sunshine!
Now that the sun has started to shine, the children are really beginning to make use of the writing area.
Play leaders have been given the responsibility to look after the area, which has really helped, as the children sometimes forget to tidy up, and pencils and paper are left scattered around! Some children just seem to enjoy watching other children write!
We are still waiting expectantly for the delivery from B&Q, so hopefully it will be this week.
Miss Proctor
Play leaders have been given the responsibility to look after the area, which has really helped, as the children sometimes forget to tidy up, and pencils and paper are left scattered around! Some children just seem to enjoy watching other children write!
Miss Proctor
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Pots and Plants!
We had visitors from B&Q today, with the first part of their delivery, lots of pots and plants. At the moment the area is quite minimalist, and it will be great to add a little plant life back in it again.
My class were all very excited and wanted to touch and smell everything, and are looking forward to getting their hands dirty!
Hopefully, some benches from B&Q will be delivered next week, which will mean that whole classes will be able to work comfortably in the area. All we need now is for it to stop raining, so that everyone can enjoy the area before the winter!
Miss Proctor
Miss Proctor
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Shocked children!
After the news in assembly today, the children rushed into the writing area to see what damage had been done. They couldn't believe that anyone would want to spoil it! Many of them went to check that their hand was still on the tree, and were quite upset to find it missing!
Some children were still finding bits of ruined work on the ground, and were giving it to me to mend. All of them want to make the area 'special' again, to let the vandals know that they can't beat us!
Miss Proctor
Monday, September 1, 2008
The new term!
It was a little bit disappointing to find out that the area had been used in the holiday, but not in the way we expected! Lots of the things that the children had made had been ripped down or broken. Luckily, we had put all the benches away, as an older bench in the playground had some rather unpleasant writing on it! That is definitely not the sort of writing we want! It is such a shame when all our efforts are spoiled by the thoughtless few. I know the children will be very disappointed when they come in on Thursday. We will, of course, think of things we can do to make the area special again.
Miss Proctor
Miss Proctor
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